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Colt Ar 15 Pre Ban Serial Numbers: The Ultimate Resource for AR-15 Enthusiasts


Note:All items marked with a single asterisk (*) are taken from The year/serial numbers under Colt SP series was forwarded to me by an individual whose return address Ino longer have. Double asterisk (**) under Bushmaster, a person on theinternet e-mailed me that he had a lower that was shipped stripped (thusnot a complete rifle) in 1991 from Bushmaster with serial #0327XX - ALWAYSCALL TO VERIFY.

Advanced ArmamentsNo information - Apparently machined from bar stock aluminum, lowers are marked as M-15.American Spirit Arms (Formerly "Sun Valley Traders")ALL lowers are Post-Ban. Began introduction of lowers and rifles in mid/late 1998. Noted as having good fit & finish. Also, reported to be manufactured by Lewis Machine & Tool.Armalite/Eagle 800-336-0184Slightly over S/N 30,000 was the Pre-Ban cut-off, call to verify.* (Some Eagle lowers below the 30,000 range were determined to be POST ban by BATF - call to verify)Armalite sells Eagle lowers, but sells factory complete rifles with Armalite lowers.BohicaMade stainless steel lowers, rumored to have also made AR-15 pistols. Lower markedM16-SA. This is NOT verifiable info as it came from the Internet. Out of Business.Bushmaster 800-998-SWAT Below L051000 - Assembled Pre-Ban Rifles and some pre-94 lowers.**L051001-L063000 - Mixed Pre-Ban Assembled Rifles and Pre-Sept 94 Lowers (Call to verify)L063001 and Up - Post-BanCentury Arms Lower marked CIA. All are Post-Ban. Made with Olympic Arms Receivers under contract.Colt 800-962-COLT CC001616 and Below - Pre-BanCH019500 and Below - Pre-BanGC018500 and Below - Pre-BanLH011326 and Below - Pre-BanMH086020 and Below - Pre-BanNL004800 and Below - Pre-BanSL027246 and Below - Pre-BanSP360200 and Below - Pre-Ban1963 SP00001-SP00023**1964 SP001011965 SP025011966 SP056001967 SP082501968 SP107501969 SP14000-SP146531970 SP15001-SP154731971 SP160011972 SP194011973 SP242011974 SP326011975 SP438011976 SP553011977 SP676511978 SP83400ST038100 and Below - Pre-BanTA10100 and Below - Pre-BanBD000134 and Below - Pre-Ban (AR-15A3 Tactical Carbine - very rare model)MT00001 and Above - Post-BanBK000001and Above - Post Ban (CAR-A3)CST000001 and Above - Post-Ban (Began Late 1997 Production)CMH000001 and Above - Post BanCCH010000 and Above - Post Ban MT6700, MT6700C and MT6700CH series, 1998 productionDalphon (360) 427-6867All are POST ban. Cast 356-T6 Aluminum, hardcoat anodized per mil-spec A-8625DPMS 800-578-3767Below 10300 - Pre-Ban.Some or all lowers are cast. Black in color. Some lowers are Stainless Steel.Eagle Arms 309-944-6939Now called ArmaLite. They will not give out a list, but willlook up on an individual basis. Lower receiver serial numbers DO NOT begin with EA.Essential Arms All are Pre-Ban as they went out of business in 1993. (DPMS bought them prior to the Ban)Call DPMS Lower receiver serial numbers begin with EA. Some or all lowers are cast. Light gray coloring. It is rumored that Ruger investment casted the lowers for Essential Arms.Frankford Arsenal All are pre-ban. As rumor has it, Olympic Arms producedthe lowers for Frankford ArsenalCall Olympic Arms and then Frankford assembled the weapon. A2configuration lower. Frankford Arsenal went out of business in 1987. (Info from [email protected])Hesse Arms All AR-15's are post ban. Manufacturing began late 1997/early 1998.J.L.M & Sons* (603) 425-1860SC001 thru SC250 are Pre-Ban. All others are post ban.Knights Armament Co. All AR-15's are post ban, very few AR-10's are pre-ban. No further info at this time.Military Manufacturing (M2) (FAX 702-263-7875)All were military/law enforcement only. Full auto lowers were standard,semi were optional. Lowers were machined form raw bar stock withimprovements incorporated - 18deg magazine angle and square magrelease. (See: )Nesard See "Sendra" below.Olympic Arms 360-459-7940 4-numbers only - very very old. Probably machined from bar stock. 1-letter and 4# - older receiver, but forgings. (Some are newer, POST ban castings - call to verify.) 2-letters & 4# - most receivers follow this pattern. 2#, 2 letters, 4# - the first two #'s are year of manufacture of the lower. 2 letters, 6# (separated 2 & 4 - e.g. SA 96 0000) - first 2 #'s are year of manufacture. "ICR" marked lowers are an European customer's overrun, has an unused additional hole - all ICR lowers are post ban.Olympic Arms Manufacturer's Notes:1. There were some odd variations and some custom serial numbers mixed inthru the years also. And, some receivers manufactured after the banhave the year stamp after the model name, not in the serial #. And ifyou don't see a year stamp on the receiver, it is not necessarily pre-ban.2. Serial numbers that end in "D" were duplicates and one was changedusing this letter.3. Recently some serial numbers have left with one or two letters followedby FIVE numbers. The last numbers are either 5's or 0's. 99.9% of theseare post-ban.4. "Older" does not always mean pre-ban as per Corey Sattler.5. "BL" serial number series lowers are transitional with some pre andsome post ban. If you have a "BL" you'll have to call to verify forcertain.Professional Ordinance All are post ban (including all of the pistols).PWA (360) 438-398335222 and Below - Pre-Ban (Note:Some lowers are cast not forged. Out of business)Post-ban have a year prefix in the serial number. Rumored to have only sold lowers.Rocky Mountain ArmsProducer of AR-15 type pistols.Sendra Post-ban receivers have a circle milled into the side of the magwell.They were originally bead-blasted to a non-glare finish. All others arepre-ban. (This is unverified info...) Also, they used to be NESARD. Rumoredto have been owned by Dick Drasen (currently M&A Parts) and producedlowers only out of Barrington, Illinois. No complete guns were sold (again,unverified info). Guide Categories AR15 AK47 Guide PDF Legal Win a FREE Membership! Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. One new winner* is announced every week!

Colt Ar 15 Pre Ban Serial Numbers

12HOLDERSOFULS^ "1*I STEEL INCREASE?IP ' 'Corporation Mails 95,776QuarterlyDividend Cheeks?A eii "\ew High Becord. "B > liin i"oThe numbfr of individual holders of t]United States Steel Corporation common s:stock has established another new high Clreeord, according to figures compiled in jconnection with the quarterly distributionof dividend checks. Those checks ^have been mailed to 95.776 holders of tho wJunior stock, in contrast to 90,952 threemonths ago, the previous high record. 0The increase In the number of holders uof Steel common during the last threemonths has been 4,824.The number of Steel common stock- tjholders has been increasing graduallyquarter by quarter for a considerabletime. The high record prior to 1920 was .established in March, 1919, when there nwore 78,018 holders. The average hold- nlng on the basin of the figures compiled jyesterday Is fifty-three shares.There was also a substantial Increase SlIn the number of holders of the com- j,? ?o^Aolf /Inriricy t la r* )qafpriciiru jjquarter. The preferred dividend, which ] qwas paid last month, wa? distributed to j,80,53-1 stockholdef-s, against 80,089 In the 0preceding quarter, a gain of 445. InMay the number was 79,282 and infebruary 78,033.DUN'S' SEES RECOVERYFROM TRADE REACTIONS N? pReactions from the unprecedented In- >dustrlal and mercantile activity and re- J*sultant Inflation which followed the I,short period of deflation after the warended In 1918 produced the strains In thebusiness world in 1920, according to R,O. Dun's & Co.'s annual review of fl- j,nance and trade. r"The year 1920," It says, "which had >opened with active business and rising J"prices, was a period featured by far jreaching economic changes. Readjustmentsthat had been longer deferredthan expected. If not developing In allquarters simultaneously, were steadily >extended once they had started, and the Fmovement brought with It varying de- Jgrees of unsettlement. The contracting 'demands and falling markets, the inon- >etary tension and closer control ofcredit and the increased commercial andfinancial mortality were all natural con- \comitants of a transition thut was In- Ievltable. but which caused relatively Jless embarrassment here than In most jother leading nations. >"While some deflation lmd followed ]rh? war's ending In 1918, that processJi .?J not gone far before another era of jexpunsion set in that was accompanied Iby unprecedented Industrial and mer- Jcantlle activity and by an advance of j1prices to levels beyond any previously >witnessed. It was the reaction fiomsuch conditions that produced thestrains of I93?. but with the abundant !crops, the better transportation faetll- >ties and strong banking resources a ! rsolid basis for subsequent recovery , ^clearly exists." . j f"MODKRN MILLER'S" Ol'TLOOK. j"Special Dcxpntrh to Tub Nkw Yo?k iHhicaoo. 1h?c. 30.?According to theModem Miller, "winter wheat conditionthroughout the Southwest is generally i sgood. Ample snow covering protected !the plants from the severe weather ex- icept In a few limited areas. Snow coveringin the soft wheat territory wnsgenerally sufficient. Much of the wheat ,In this district apparently is unable to I jwithstand a severe winter, as growth Is >v backward. The area seeded in the soft Iwheat sections is smaller. So large Jamount of wheat is being delivered at "country stations because of prico dls- !satisfaction." ,,ail 11'1*1 %Ci BOAKU HEARING. j1The l.'nlted States Shipping Hoard Ms ur.otlfled all wooden shipbuilders whe 1have claims arising out of cancellation Jof contracts by the Emergency Fleet ^Porporation that it will extend them a shearing on January 7. There are approximatelysixty builders of wooder.ships who have such claims against the JGovernment and Which they have been 'trying to settle for the last two years. jtXO DF.T INMMi DIVIDE*!)*. '7The Vulcan Detinnlng Company'sboard of directors has deferred action n>si the quarterly dividends of 1% per Lcent, on the preferred and preferred A ^stocks, due at this time. The board pdeemed It wise to conserve cash re- >sources, it was stated.FOREIGN EXCHANGE ?___ >THT'HHDA Y. DECEMBER 30GREAT BRITAIN. NYesler- day. Dee. 23.H SC'S '"inane ?'Ir 1.1 "IV I.l aO'i a.'l."2'-,Cables, *11*... 3..1SH 3.51 8.MV THankers, do d. 3.4IH? :t 4 thirty-one was authorized, these threeew directors being elected: K. W. Zlmlerscliled,C. F. Kettering and F. D. 'irown. Ij. It. Beardsley was appointedssistant secretary and Mr. Zlmrner- !ehled was made a vice-president. Theitter had prevoously been appointed ,cneral manager of the Chevrolet Motorlompany. Mr. Brown was made a viceresidentin charge of finances, with 'filces in New Tork.EARNINGS STATEMENTS.HAII.RO ADS.BUFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA.1920 1019.Tovember gross $20.1.271 $70,748lalance after tax 8.407 1131,(180,'et operating Income.... 10.241 7110.901lleven months gross.... 2,810.481 2.012.177leflclt after tax 27.010 75775.004let operating deficit.... 207,307 353,934tDeflclt.DETROIT AND MACKINAC.> 1020. 1010.tovember gross $208,709 $117,032leflcit after tax 37,000 128,074Jet operuting deficit. .. .14.918 +34.031lleven months gross.... 1,032,018 1,138.281leflclt after tax 172.8f2 2(1.298Jet operating deficit. . . . (52,271 33.814tlncomc.GREAT NORTHERN.1020. 1010.Jovember gross $12.311,(110 $9,418,961lalance after taxes... 2.012.4(13 21,184Jet operating Income.. 2.010,802 (10,111Ilevon months gross. .114.3(14,740 08.444,270lalance after taxes... 3.131.040 13,1(11,410Jet operating Income.. 1,713,327 13,303,221LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE.1920. 1010.Jovember gross $11,480,014 $8,821,431lalance after taxes... 103,8(54 420.377Jet operating Income.. 004,1(1(1 473.411Cloven months gross. .115,117,112 07.800 337lalance after taxes... 827.188 10,(1)8,(103Jet operating income.. 2.898,002 0,(191.014MICHIGAN CENTRAL.1020. 1010.Jovember gross $7,732,022 $7,000,318lalance arter tax kw.zzi l ,.730.451Jet operating Income... 480.427 1 .064,184ilex-en month* gross 80,424.1 1!? 71,738.2.12lalance after tax 7.348.00.1 17.01O.223Jet operating Income.. 4,384.071 1.1,740.407NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA ANDST. LOUIS.1020, groan $2,001,144 $1,0.10,824>eflclt after taxes 100,308 137.703let operating deficit.. .17.017 202.1.10eleven month* groat.. 22.470,740 18,235.1.13eflctt after taxes 511.860 860,138let operating Income.. 4.583 082,020Income.NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND ST. LOCIS.1020. 1010.lovember gross $2,71.1.780 $1,684,8.10lalancc after taxes.. .. 404.011 118,837let operating Income. . 437,802 150,000IIeven months gross... 2,1,695,030 21.340,010lalance after taxes. ... 4,060.11 1 4,287.223let operating Income.. 4,402.70.1 3,818.476NORTHERN PACIFIC.1020. 1010.lot ember gross $10,3.12.7410 $0,410,240ialance after taxes... 1.031.804 1.016.677let operating Income.. 2.100.803 2.2.14,141eleven months gross. .102,002,058 02,650,763lalance after taxes... ,1,700,181 16.107.2o.llet operating Income.. 10,466,808 17,185,800PITTSBURG AND WEST VIRGINIA(Including West Side Belt R. R. Co.l.Jovember gross $38.7,71.1 Inc. $180,205let after taxes 4*.864 Inc. 06,241Jon-oper. Income... 58.252 Inn. 105,015otal Income 107,116 Inc. 107.730lurplus after clirgs 06,394 Inc. 107.303'hree row. gross.. 1,140,020 Inc. 550,244let after taxes.... 137,042 Inc. 265,022Jon-oper. Income.. 18.7,021 Inc. 82,5.14'otal Income 520.003 Inc. 348,17.1lurplus after rhrgs 296,034 Inc. .763,298TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS AND WESTERN.1920. 1919.lovember gross $94.1,098 $773,785lalance after tax.,..,, 219,19" 70.034let operating Income... 2U6.078 44.036Ileven months gross... .10.350,871 7.423.814lalance after tax 1,433,387 861,706Jet operating Income. . 038,301 042.?TiVIRGINIAN RAILWAY.1920. 1919.Invcmbcr gross $1,004,060 $1,000,667lalance after tnxe*.... 546,965 166,083 1let operating Income.. 603,065 213.59:'lex-en month* gross... 16.150,0.17 10.092,838lalance after tr.xe. ^ 2,42r.',m r?t ('.derating Income.. I.IH".1*" 'WHF.EL.1NG AND I.AKK ER?=1#1#fovembor aioea ** 'ioa'hAI tSiMllalance after '"' o'211 107.72">t operating deficit m'837 11.048.1??Slevnn month!" gross 1,023,135lain rice after tax 082 007,Ml>t operating deficit... iw.waeDeficit.WWTKRN MARYLAND. mr\ . \ 1"." ,-,K>4 120^,810inr,,l-r^ck 21^! ^-' IMMiil?'miJTIRt.1-N1TED LIGHT AND RAILWAYS.1020.111 Hits "70 110,130.1092 mnn'ha grow 211"? ^ ". ?,7,w)let after taxea...?,. ^ ? 1.127.432^'a'teVTf. STv^: 'DIVIDENDS.Htock of 1' r'b- 1i'.w A'' hrv dr.?H Corp .^ );i jr..,, 1^VlateWV^^ K(.b. ,, Mar. 1viVocfeted i.ry G-rod" Dorp. . ? Mnr ,2pfrolt Edlaon Mtnae 51treat Ktata pPtrolrom .1.001ldwc?t OH ... 2.00fldwiPt Oil pf 2.001ldwe*t Oil, a* 1??Satlnnal ItlPcuH Co 17."forlliPrp npntral 4.00J ova flcntla R. A C 1 2.02ova Hcntta fl AO. pf 2 00itilo Fuel Supply. 2 VIiblo Fuel Supply, ex 2.00>11* Elevator 2 Oil>11* Elevator pf I TSartflc TpI. A Tel. pf 1 7.0Philadelphia A We?f?rn pf 12"^ralrlr Oil A Om 1 00Prairie fill A Oa* ?* .Prairie Pipe I.lne. . S.ootallroad wNrllln.. 2 00'Inrlalr Cop*. Oil 2 00?n1on Natural Oaa. 2..00"nlted ?'l*ar Store*.., 110'nlted On* A Elee 2.110"dltpil Oa? Imp 1 00S I. Alcohol pf 170.'anndlum Corp 1 noi trior Talktn* Machine 10.00.'Ictor Tatkln* Machine pf.... 1.7RA'eatlnxhouae Air llrak* 1 7.0A -Mnalioi' El A Mf* 2 00WmlUm) oo*e El. A Mfr pf 2.1*1's'!pl??!nf Mln** 20>.*lpl**ln? Mlnca as mm .36THE NEW YORK HERALD,BONDS IN STOCK EXCHANGE1920. 1919. 1918.Day's sales $37,929,000 HolidayYear to date 4,668,679,000 3,946,056,000RANCH OF LIBERTY BONDS.(All Liberty bond transactions subject to 1-16 brokerage.)Closing. Sales (In NetBid. Asked.Yleld. $l,000s) Open. High. Low- Last. Chgs89.60 S9.58 4.05 2,318 3H& (1932-47) 89.60 89.64 89.41 89.54 +.086.00 S6.00 4.95 .. 1st cv. 4s (1932-47).. .. .. ..84.40 84.70 5.15 22 2d 4s (1927-42) 84.74 84.80 84.74 84.80 +.45 2d 4s reg 84.10 84.10 84 10 84.10 +.25 2d 4 >4 g reg 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 -+-1-0185.36 S5.70 5.24 619 1st cv. 4V4s (1932-47) 86.00 86.00 85.40 85.50 ?.2S4.62 84.60 5.14 5,410 2d cv. 4^s (1927-42). 84.50 84.80 84.50 84.52 ?-.11 lst-2d CV 4 Vis (32-47)87.10 87.16 6.30 3,594 3d 4V?s (1928) 87.20 87.32 87 06 87.06 ?.184.70 84.80 5.2S 7,456 4th 4V*s (1932-38) 85.22 85.80 84.64 84.72 ?.595.06 95.10 7.00 3,763 Vic. 4\s (1922-23)... 94.94 95 10 94.90 94.98 +.010 Vic. 49is reg 94.80 94.80 94.80 94.8095.04 95.10 5.95 5,303 Vic. 39is (1922-23)... 94.92 95.02 94.90 95.10 +.1United States, Foreign Government, Railroad, Industrial and Other BondsFrench Hep * AtCoastLIno 4? C M&Stl'rteb 15 481a N Y Rts M 4? Stl.oulnSW Mreceipt* 4 7?11r 4* 10 49 10 17 1 All;5 100 3 7014 43 581a 10 4914 15 17l? 1 B17C. 997s 3 761s 4 jo 40 certlflcates 1 6154 100 4 7AL 20 AO 10 4HI4 25 17 1 All;2 ?94i AtlanticPrult7s 2 59I3 4 4*34 3 lAlg 15 001;7 100 9 00 3 AO 10 48 N Y 8 Rys 44* 1 61421 9978 20 62 2 591a 20 48I3 1 44>Y 27 612 100 Halt 4c Ohio 44 Chi MllAStP 4s 10 48 N Y Tel deb to'Stl.SW con 4i1 997s 10 89 3..., ...651a 2 481a 5 8434 7.,.. ...591;Cify of Bor- 4 90 3 6.134 5 48% 3 85Y 2 59desux 6s 5 89 4 60 2 481a 1 851a 7 601(75I3 1 8914 1625 4 48 3 8018i 32 001;?* " ?-- ?- n * n mo t r 1 ? 101. k-vt.i -m iu. n ?ni,UiyUiliJwuo " ? ? ' M ........ *j w5 76% 26 66 10 71784 30 48% 10 75 StPAKC8L4V4City of Part* 8i 10 ?7%CANWgm4s 12 48 15 74 2 028 1>4 8 67% 2 74 7 48 10 7418 BtP MA >1 cn 4!1 0312 6 68 10 73% > 10 48 20 75 i % 801;j 9378 22 67 CANWdebHWl 0,, 48% 10 74% St P M ft M90 94 B A O CV 4V4s 10 861 j j 24...... 48% 7 74% Mon ext 4sCnlted Klngdm 1 66 Ch 4 NW 8%s 2 48% 0 74%' 4 801;5%a 1*21 10 60 4 65% (nterhoro- Mat 5 74 S?nAAAPnss4i4 07% 0 65% ChIRIAPKy4? col trust 4 %s 20 74%' 2 578;2 07% 14 65 2 68% 5 14% 20 75 Sc?l> A L ad22 07% ? 65% 10 68% 5 X? N Y Westehesti 3 341;20 97% 2 66 3 69% 3 14% ABoston4%s] 6 34S?a 1222 s 65% 6 70 5 15 3 34% 3 333,3 94% 2 65% Chi 4 Erie 1st 4 15% 6 34 I 10 331;6 947^ 2 65 2 75 s 10 15 1 34%[Seab A L fd 4i22 94% 1 60 7 75% 10 15% Norfolk Sou 5s! 4 393IHs 1929 3 65% 5 76% 4 16 7 4678 SoBellTATe! 560 87% 5 65% ChtHIAP fd 4s 3 15% Norf4 W gm 8s j 1 801 87% 14 65% 2 65% 1 10 8 103% 1 801,18 80% o 60 3 65% 10 15% NorfAW cv 8s 1 8038 80 5 001'} 1 65'2 10 157g 1 104 SouthPac CV 5i5 86% 7 60% 6 65% certificates Norfolk 4 W 4s 12 991;4 86 18 67 15 66% 3 12 6 74% 1 10010 86% c 66% 2 66% 1 12% NorfAW dlv 4s 1 9933 86% 2 67 3 66% 10 12 10... 73% 2 008,5 86% 1 66 4 67 20 12% NorfAWPoca4s 23 9933 86% 5 67% 5 66% f 5 12% 1 . .74 1 991,2 80% BaltAO gold 4s 1 06% 11 12 North Pac 4Hs 70 901 86% 10 04% 7 II 07 6 12% 11 75 SouthPac CV 4,1 80% 2 04 10 07% 9 13% Northern{AC 4s 1 753 80 8 64% 4 67 22 13% 20 74% 32 762 85% 12 65% 20 07% 2 13% U 74 2 752 86% 10 65% 7 67 1 14 3 S30. . .73% 3 765 80 15 65% 2 67% 10 13% 10 74 9 7612 0 80% 10 65% 2 07 8 13% 7 74% 5 701,5 86% 10 06% ChlStPMAOKs 20 13 5 74% 5 761,15 85/K 50 0434 1 81% 10 13% 2 76% 5 ...7533 80% 2 65% 7 82% Int Agr Ch 5s 1 75%! 2 7.51A 8578 7 65% ChlllnStn 4%s 1 72% 1 70%l 30 7610 80% 3 0.584 5 77% Int M Marine ?s '26. s30.. .75%,8outhPac fd 4:5Hst937 8 65% 3 77 , 20 77 NortbernPac 3i 6 749. S278 5 65% 1 76%! 28 77% 16 54%, 5 741,3 83 BaltAOhlo 3t$s Chi 4 Wind 4s 3 78 j 5 64% 7 752 1 8278 2 79 14 54%! 2 77% 1 54%I 38 751;51.; 83 0 797s 2 64% 10 78 ! 25. s30.. . 63%' 5 755 82% 6 80 1 55% j K 0 KtSA M 4s Nor States Pwr South Pac 4s10 S278 B A O P 1. K 4 Chile Copper 7s ] 10 62% 1st 5a 8er A j 7 691,4 S3 w Va 4s 5 90% KanCAPac 1st 13 76 35 0911 39 823 7 003.1 1 90 3 61 j 10 75% 1 09' 20 82% 60 01 1 9034 Ran C 80 Id 5* 4 75 2 091. 41 82% BAO TolAO 4s 2 91% 1 73 10 74% SoPac 8F ter 4! 5 82% 2 51% 12 99 5 72% 10.......74% 1 702 82% 5 .51% 7 901'j , 1 72 Ohio River 1st 1 684.1 82% Bell Tel Pa 7s Chile Oopper as Kan City 80 3s 10 81 Southern Ry 5Belgian Gov7%s receipts 6 63% 31 .53% Or 4 Cal 1st 64 5 8131 95% 5 102% 14 03% 4 6378 1 87% 2 813Belgian tiov 6?> 2 102% 3 03% 3 54 1 87% 8 8211935 I 1 102 6 64 KanCltyTerts 0 87% 1 South Ry gin 42 86 I 1 101% 3 03% 16 70 OrRallANavts1 11 5812 86% BethSteel ex 5s 2 04 Lack Stl 5a 1923! 6 74%' 1 681Swiss Govts I 1 85% 6 64% 3 91% 5 76 j 4 58receipts I Beth Stl fd 5s 5 04 Lack Stl 6? 1950 i Ore Sh L fd 4s A 681,10 102 4 77 2 6378 ] 7l8. 10 77% 7 683fl 102% Beth Stl 5e 1939 1 64 LSA MS 4.x 19241 2 s30,. .77 2 581,15 102 "? 75% 10 85% 1 S0% 0 "778 SouthRyStL ?lCity of Berneai 2 75% CIcve Sh 1. 4%s L84 MS 4?'131! 27 78 9 06certificates 0 '5% 1 81 a 80 OreWaahBR 4 80 By MAO 4,2 93% 1 70 C 41 01AmTiT rli S r*o R* A lit f.rTr Ry?Wt ? R7% HIvAOulf to Virginian Kv .117 70 2 r.01;, receipt* j . .. .R7la 2 Of. 1 4 SOI1 77,% CbIA Alton Stos 8... 100 ...>7%i 2 00%; 2 SO",A . . 7ftlj 1 37214 't 10OI4 2,'' MR 1 ... 07 1 ft HI1 ' 1 111 A Alton % re?f Nor ?%* ( rsi4 StL A Aan Fran V* Ky ft I' t? 7.VI, a 43 1 771a Oft S? Serlee A tl 03140 70 2 44 llutl ft Man fit j0 . . ,R7% 2 6ll4VaASVV.nlIS 7.M I, s 431a tt Serlee A 4 ssi4 12 .....61 14.... tio3 ... 7ft% f nAQ Jclnt. to 2 ...87 ftj HS 7lg...,.6l Western Klrc 1AmTAI ctt 4* 73) .... #0 2 ftO.% 7% SSI4 12 tlll? ft W2I1 7-2 I ft ?A% IS 7.7 33 R7ft4 3 nt West M'l 4*10...... 72Ij 11 Oft Man adj MHI4 7 011) 10 A3Armour 41 ? Pft7? 30 21 N Y Cen del. 4s I i Phone: Tohn 630?>1.i i KI.Pm.\,LONDON AND PARISJ lieDecember 31st, 1920. b?s thOwinif to the death of our part- *ner, MR. ARTHUR E. NEWBOLD, j;!*; his interest in the firm terminates ?'*, j this day.I MR. THOMAS S. GATES, who r*I has since 1918 had an interest in ^I)ri?vpl Xr f!r?.. is admitted this day9 as partner in our firms in Newi York, Philadelphia, London and si* Paris.I. P. MORGAN A CO., j"9 New York. mIHtEXKL A CO., K,* Philadelphia. ?* MORGAN, GKKNPKI.I. A CO.. J1,.London. ,' Parts.TO THE "IIOI.IIKUS "6K mCKNTRAI. 1'IIWKK A I.IGHT COMPANY fcNfvrn Frrvenl. Collateral Trust Cold Notes Ldue Augii.t 1, 19X1.j Von arc hereby notified that pursuant to tlthe provisions of Article 4 of the Collateral piTrust Indenture, dated July 1st, 1018, he- di4 tween the Central Power * LUtht Company3 and the Equitable Trust Company of New c)* York, as Trustee, Right Thousand Dollars R(*8.000.00) prlneipul amount of Seven Percent r1 Collateral Trust Gold Notes Issued under g3 ssid Indenture anil hearing the followingserial numbers, have been designated for olredemption on January 3rd. 1021: niJ .Vr,H. M-3, 12. If. and 34 at *1.000 each. glis Nos. D-12, 19. 20. 21, 22 and 20 at *.r.00 *,j each. ONos, C-2. 7. 14, 18. 42, 43, 44, 48. 40 and j.Is M at $100 each. I piThe above numbered notes will he re- ,s deemed and paid upon presentation and sur- 0,4 render thereof, with nil unmatured coupons. r,^ to said Trustee at Its office, No. 37 Wall I ,,4 Street, llorough of Manhattan. City of N?w p,14 York. N. Y.. on January 3rd, 1921, at par J., and accrued Msmt to ttiat date,n CENTRAL POWER * LIGHT COMPANY.Dated Nev Yorll, N. Y., December 20lh, IU 1920.: BID AND ASKED'nn N. V. HTIH'R EXCHANGE (t OTATIOXS., II'* To the follow-In* price* accrued Interest 1* g;a j to lie added In every .-aae: HFOREIGN BONDS.j I DM A?k"d. BIcily of Berne ; MM 014% l?? City of I'l.rUttanla B.'(% !M *city of Zurich M I'l'j '. i Argentine Intern. Ill, inc. on 110% ,,* Klr.*doni of Belclum Ha. 1021 0f 41 43% A1X4 1st pf !W 37 ., Am n 9 pl 7r? SO At Kef pf. lon 10. . j.Am Hk Ph. 40% 42 AueNlrli pf T.7 01% I" Am 'Moot row. i!"?. r>:: ,___rHPAO pf.. S.". IHI sfnil 'it pf 71 i INTERNATIONAL Mlev 4 i'lt. oo m. a*'* An pf *1 si, aaaniair aour.i > Pnr t>uk XI I"' uir orlablr* Kt.. 1?l 13 I .to pf.... i?hi liolclrr* of Pr*f*rrad Stork II art man.. it* 7" ' SIhm.1 MIII.H". II" i for."? ?.* Tr"?' >rttftrat?*look V*1 ."7 >l Pf 7" X" ' ' motion* with ii*.lomratnk*. 41"- 30 SI.mii II pf. f>" ! " THE NEW V. >"! Htl. 1" 21 Blnrtab pf H2', It:, Knr 1ml Ian Il*f. 13 10 tfup 'HI pf. . "" , Nl"v ^ork. Ik^mhwrlflth,, v . . V AMERICAN FUEL Oil?Tlnt Pap Pf. X-, ftp TMn W Oil HIM *. COMPANY I!rlo pf at.. 7" 71 T.HLAWp "t HI 1" . v 7 .. Vnt Snlt... 7"', 7" Twin City . WIS H7 ,, w_, ?mown On., tl 10 On pf x?i Th" Board of Dlrwrtnr*CO FtH pf. 37 ti" ) Unrterw.i ..124 1f." r.-jnlnr quarterly ttlvM. mlCay.*r .. ^'s, Second 4'sites, and Unitedr the terminationnd 4>4's, Secondcrest received onifter the terminasues:ler35 CONGRESS STREETBOSTON, MASS.Plione: Fort Hill 6640[ICES. DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST.ianar/ United States SmeltingFred Seymour. wRefining & Mining Co.(I partnership Issigned under the The Directors of the T'nlted Slates Bmeltrton A Co. lug, Refining & Mining Company have fm'Slst, 1920. clared a quarterly "dividend of per cent.EARS. (87'i cents per share) on the Preferred Cupi'ATHON, Ital Stock, and n dividend of I per cent,i. COl.T. (fifty cents per share) on the Common CupW. ANNESS, tnl Stork, payable on Jan. 13, 1921, to. WRIGHT. stockholders of record at tho close of buslWEl'Cl.l,ne?s jan. ?, jp21tr'l.NNOTT. jr. y HATCTHELDER, Treasurer.- I HIE MKXI( .T> EAIil.r, mm. i vm-Aii,EETING3. LIMITED.j (CIA MKXICA.NA DK PETROLED "El.ND KINGSTON AGl'ILA" S. A.).ANY. i A final dividend of for the year cnd? clock M. ^ I.AR8EN.j. Jit . Cashier. Vlce-I'resldent. Secretary and Treasurer.! Stockholders of THE ????fur the election ri RI.IC NATIONAL RANKbusiness nV^niay MF NKW YO*Ketlrig will he held New York. November 24th. 1920.n.v. No. 30 Bnst The Itunnl of Directors of The PubltManhattan, New National Hank of New York has this daynuary 15th. 1921, declared a dividend of four per cent, on thecapltnl stock oT this iwinw ror me qiiRntrINK, President. ending December 3t*t, 1020, payable Decent??\ 30th. 1020. her 31st, 1020, to stockholder* of i cord at1#. Tnhn A 1*7^ the close of hu?1ncS* December "Ittl, t hiid ?a,. CHARLES H. BALDWIN, ca*h.*rLlw'T'St '"'i'.-v. p ATLAxiM ? ? \?i i ink KAtLMMkBnaactlon of pitch COMPANY.r* th,- mcftlnn Tntereat nf five per centum for flueal y> arJr.. Seeretarv endlnn December Slat. 1920. w ill bo paid????? ii. in 'In- Inrome Hi nil*, dated T leeember\XJ >T. 12th. 1S97, of Hrunswlek and \Ve*t*rn 11*11.road Company, upon prearnfatlon nf auehbond* ut offtrr of Bafe Deposit and TrustERCANTILF Company of Balttmur*, No. 13 Booth Btre*t,__ w P.nlHnwr*, Maryland, and up.>n propri r?PANTCelpt therefor botnir endrr?ed upon r:\rh bondII 1,. ItnnnKN Vice PresidentDividend ' ' x Kit \I MOTOKt CORPORATION.f three por rent 1 ird of Director* of (leneral Motorlirai declared bj ton ha* declared a dividend of $ I ..VI.arable Februarj a "hare on the preferred *to 2ff7e9595c

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